What's your unique selling point?

Making your business stand out in a crowded market can be a challenge, but differentiating your business will be key to attracting the right customers and giving them a reason to choose you over a competitor.

That’s why it’s important to identify your unique selling point (USP), so you have a differentiator to communicate in your marketing and sales activity.

Giving your company a real differentiator

Not all companies are created equal. Every business will have a unique slant on how it develops and delivers the same product or service. Your USP focuses on what you do better, bolder, faster or more effectively than your competitors – giving you an edge over the other businesses that are clamouring for your customer’s attention.

For example, Apple’s USP was always that the company ‘provides a lifestyle with our products’ by making cutting-edge technology that’s as simple to use and integrate as possible.

To make your USP work for you:

If you’re unsure what makes you stand out in your market or industry sector, think about the key benefit you offer your clients. It could be the unique features of your product or service, or the way you do business. A strong USP will help you attract prospects by reinforcing your position as the best choice for them.

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